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Tool: Create a HTML document

The following showcase presents the Create a HTML document tool.

Please note that this tool has been created by the capabilities of AnySolve. You can create a tool that does a similar tool easily with the tool designer. Similar Tools: Create a Python script, Write and further improve a newspaper article, Write a paper

Introduction Video

First run

The tool allows you to create a new html document named shoeshop.

You start with telling the AI to Write a landing page that features a shoe shop and click on Run tool.


As a result you get the HTML code and a html file that can be shown in the browser:


Next you want to add a logo. We found a free shoe image at pixabay.

You run the tool again with Add the image as a logo. Place the image under the welcome text and show it 300 x 200


Name the shop

The shop has a very generic name. You run the tool again with Replace the name 'Shoe Shop' with "Joe's Red Shoe Shop".


You and get the final result:



The tool allows you to create a HTML page and tell the AI to make changes if you are not yet satisfied with a resulting HTML page. You get the HTML code and a HTML file you can use.